Personal Orchestra 5, Academic Discount | Education Discount at
Product ID: 1682091 | Mfg Part #: GPO5DLR
Retail $169.95
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Personal Orchestra 5 from Garritan is an orchestral sample library that delivers the complete range of orchestral instruments, including strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, and keyboards. The library is designed to allow the creation of numerous instrument combinations, each capable of playing a separate part. Sections or a complete orchestra can be built one instrument at a time, or pre-configured instrumental combinations can be accessed via the Ensemble Manager.

This new edition continues in the tradition of past versions but with vastly expanded instruments and the offering of new techniques, performance spaces and reverbs, and instrument body resonances. The sampled sound library integrates the high-performance ARIA Player.

  • Includes all the major instruments of the orchestra – strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, and keyboards
  • Build an orchestra one instrument at a time, exactly as required – create solos, duos, trios, quartets, chamber groups, ensembles, sections or a full symphony orchestra
  • Play divisi and separate lines for each instrument, free from fixed-size section samples
  • Each instrument has its own individual character and nuance that can interact with each other just like real players
  • Ensemble Manager makes it easy to load pre-configured instrumental combinations
  • Powered by the ARIA Player Advanced Instrument Engine


Solo piccolo trumpet
Three first trumpet players
First trumpet solo
Three second trumpet players
Second trumpet solo
Solo and three trumpet players with straight mute
Two trumpet overlays
Three SAM trumpet players
SAM trumpet section
SAM trumpet solo
SAM solo piccolo trumpet

First bass trombone solo
Second bass trombone solo
SAM bass trombone solo
Three SAM trombone players
SAM trombone section
SAM trombone solo
Two trombone overlays
Three trombone players
Trombone solo
Solo and three trombone players with mute

French Horns
Three first French horn players
First French horn solo
Three second French horn players
Second French horn solo
Three French horn overlays
Solo and three French horn players with mute
Three SAM French horn players
SAM French horn section,
SAM French horn solo


Contratuba solo
SAM tuba solo
First tuba solo
Second tuba solo
Two tuba overlays

Keyboards, Harps, Choir

Two Concert D grand pianos
Two Studio B grand pianos
Two glass armonicas
Five pipe organ mixes and combinations
Nine individual pipe organ stops
Custom pipe organ console with 74 individual stops

Two chromatic harps
Concert grand harp
Two glissando harps
Two harp harmonics
Two pedal mode glissando harps

Two soprano articulations
Soprano solo with and without vibrato
Two alto articulations
Two tenor articulations
Two bass articulations
Three boys choir articulations
Three children's choir articulations
Full choir


Basic orchestra percussion
Bass drum
Orchestral quad toms
Percussion accessories
Wind machine

Two marimbas
Three timpani
Tubular bells
Two vibraphones


Solo Strings
Nine violin solo techniques
Five viola solo techniques
Six cello solo techniques
Four bass solo techniques

Solo Stradivari Violin
Solo Gagliano Violin
Solo Guarneri Violin
9 Violins for Ensembles
1st Violin Section (12 Players)
2nd Violin Section (10 Players)

Solo Viola
3 Violas for Ensembles
Viola Section (10 Players)

Solo Gofriller Cello
Solo Montagnana Cello
Solo Pierray Cello
9 Cellos for Ensembles
Cello Section (8 Players)

Solo Double Bass
3 Double Basses for Sections
Double Bass Section (7 Players)

Small Sections
Six first 3-violin group techniques
Five second 3-violin group techniques
Seven 6-violin group techniques
Three 4-viola group techniques
Three 3-cello group techniques
Three 2-bass group techniques

Section Strings
Two violin sections sustaining bow strokes (10 violins and 22 violins)
Eight first violin section short bow strokes
Eight second violin section short bow strokes
Eleven first violin section additional techniques (col legno, harmonics, pizzicato)
Nine second violin section additional techniques (col legno, harmonics, pizzicato)
Viola section sustaining bow strokes
Five viola section short bow strokes
Eight viola section additional techniques (col legno, harmonics, pizzicato)
Cello section sustaining bow strokes
Seven cello section short bow strokes
Ten cello section additional techniques (col legno, harmonics, pizzicato)
Bass section sustaining bow strokes
Three bass section short bow strokes
Four bass section additional techniques (col legno, pizzicato)
Five full strings
Six strings section effects


Solo Flute
3 Flutes for Ensembles
Alto Flute
Bass Flute

Solo Bb Clarinet
3 Clarinets for Ensembles
Eb Clarinet
Bass Clarinet
3 Bass Clarinets for Ensembles
Contrabass Clarinet

Double Reeds
Solo Oboe (Two Soloists)
3 Oboes for Ensembles
English Horn (Two Soloists)
Solo Bassoon (Two Soloists)
3 Bassoons for Ensembles)
Contrabassoon (Two Soloists)

Mac System Requirements    

  • Intel CPU (PowerPC not supported)
  • OS X 10.6 through 10.11
  • 2 GB RAM recommended (there is a direct correlation between the amount of available RAM and the number of sounds that can be loaded)
  • 16 GB free hard drive space
  • Hard drive speed of at least 7200 RPM recommended
  • Monitor with 1024 x 768 resolution or higher
  • Core Audio-compatible sound card
  • DVD-ROM drive
  • Internet connection for updates and online registration

Windows System Requirements    

  • Core 2 Duo CPU or later recommended
  • Windows XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10
  • 2 GB RAM recommended (there is a direct correlation between the amount of available RAM and the number of sounds that can be loaded)
  • 16 GB free hard drive space minimum
  • Hard drive speed of at least 7200 RPM recommended
  • Monitor with 1024 x 768 resolution or higher
  • ASIO-compatible sound card
  • DVD-ROM drive
  • Internet connection for updates and online registration


  •  MIDI interface may be required if using a MIDI keyboard (many keyboards now use USB)
  • The ability to assign controllers within your keyboard, music program, or sequencer is recommended
  • High-quality speakers and amplifier, or high-quality headphones